“Untying Breastfeeding” is a 59 minute documentary investigating the narrative of the women who navigate through significant breastfeeding challenges due to the congenital birth anomaly called Tongue Tie and trace the arduous process of them encountering medical professionals who often have a dismissive, denigrative or prescriptive approach. The narrative is juxtaposed with 17 experts from across the world who share the latest understanding/research about various factors about the apathetic factors & events that sabotage birth & breastfeeding. These factors & events potentially have life-long implications for the health of humankind.
Effath Yasmin is India's leading IBCLC & a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist from Mumbai, India. Her special interests lie in Infant Oral and Sucking Dysfunction, Tongue Tie Assessment, Treatment & Rehabilitation. Being the visionary, Yasmin also spear-headed many projects to educate, protect, promote and support & restore Breastfeeding & other craniofacial development across life span. Her work has been published in the International Journal & textbook and currently she is pursing self-funded research assignments on the subject of tongue tie. She continues to work on her seminal work on link between tongue ties and depression. She has currently set up India’s First Lactation & Family Wellness Clinic with full day observation facilities in Mumbai.
Motherhood sets an opportune moment sometimes for us to become the small detailing in a large canvas like the universe to make it complete and whole. My post yesterday about "A wound is a place where the light enters you." was a prelude to what I am about to share with you. With the birth of my daughter nearly 10 years ago was born with tongue tie - 'wound' that set me off on a journey that was unknown. When we do not question God above with a "why me?" and when the heart surrenders to self inquiry to what this road might be - I discovered what it means to have a wound as a door to light that enters you.
It has taken nearly a decade but the seed now has burst into a sapling. This is story of every new mother who came along my way and story of every newborn baby who looked into my eye. And the story of every mother around the world who has felt helpless, desperate yet with a tinge of hope that they story will be heard someday.
Breastfeeding is primal & natural, but many mothers do not have this natural experience. For those mothers, breastfeeding can be extremely challenging for weeks and even months before they are forced to give up. Many a times even their spouses and families might fail to understand and appreciate these mothers’ struggles. The medical community to whom they turn to for help, may also fail in providing effective breastfeeding support.
This short story is a primer to what will be a two part project of AWARENESS through a feature length documentary film that will allow the of voice of a mother be heard clear and loud and also further investigate the different angles of the debate of the science of tongue tie from pioneering experts around the world. Along with the debate comes the need for validation and therefore the second part of the project will be a pioneering yet fundamental RESEARCH to find out the prevalence and incidence of tongue tie in the newborn population.
I want to thank every mother who follows her innate wisdom to speak up for her baby. This is for YOU!
I wish to thank every professional who will lend their voice (Lactation Consultants, Family Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Paediatricians, Crainosacral Therapists, Myofunctional Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Chiropractors and many others) who work tirelessly to make feeding and bonding better between mother and baby. This is for YOU!
Featuring 17 Experts from around the Globe
Carole DobrichRN, IBCLC, Montreal, Canada
Carole has been involved in health care since 1980 and has been helping mothers and babies to breastfeed for more than 30 years. She is a nurse, IBCLC and educator. She grew up in Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Montreal, Canada for many years where she co-founded and coordinated the Goldfarb Breastfeeding Clinic. She is the recipient of the 2009 Quebec Lactation Consultant Association Linda J Smith award. As well as speaking fluent French, Carole plays a mean game of ice hockey! Aller équipe!
Dr. Irene MarchesanPhD, OMT, Professor and Director of CEFAC, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Irene Queiroz Marchesan graduated in Speech-Language Pathology (1977). She earned her master’s degree in Communication Disorders from Pontificia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo (1989), and her doctoral degree in Education from UNICAMP – Campinas (1998). Currently she is the President of the Brazilian Speech Pathology Society and CEFAC’s Director. She has experience in Speech and Orofacial Functions Therapy with emphasis in Speech disorders, mainly with the following subjects: lingual frenulum and speech alteration diagnoses. She has written many books, chapters and articles on the correlation of lingual frenulum alteration and breastfeeding, swallowing, speech, and sleep.
Carol Gray LMT, CST, RPYTLMT, CST, RPYT, Portland, Oregon, USA
Carol has been a therapeutic bodyworker in Portland, Oregon for over 26 years. She is a retired home birth midwife. She specializes in infant and maternal Craniosacral Therapy.
Carol is convinced that if women are appropriately supported in growing, birthing and nurturing their babies, their lives will improve. When women's lives improve their children's health improves. Healthy children grow up to be healthier adults who create healthier communities and a saner, more peaceful world. Carol believes that when things are out of balance even the smallest intervention can bring about great healing. Our need for it is so great. Carol is passionate about using her CST skills to gently make space in maternal bodies so babies can assume ideal positions for gestation and birth. She is currently developing specialized prenatal yoga classes to support and enhance the maternal bodywork techniques she practices and teaches. |
Dr. Karleen GribblePhD, Adjunct Associate Professor, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
Karleen Gribble is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University and a member of the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Core Group. Her research interests include adoptive breastfeeding, long-term breastfeeding, child protection and breastfeeding, peer-to-peer milk sharing and the parenting and care of maltreated children. Karleen is active in research, policy development, advocacy and training in the areas of infant feeding in emergencies and the marketing of infant formula. She is also an Australian Breastfeeding Association Community Educator and Breastfeeding Counsellor.
Dr. Yvonne LefortMD, FABM, IBCLC, Family Physician, Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Yvonne LeFort is a Canadian-trained family physician based in Auckland NZ. Over the past 19 years, she has worked with mothers and babies of all ages with breastfeeding concerns, including and assessment and treatment of ankyloglossia or tongue tie. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and has recently been elected to their Board of Directors after serving on several committees over the years.
Over the past 5 years Dr LeFort has been medical director of the Milford Breastfeeding Clinic in Auckland which offers assessment and management of infant feeding problems including tongue-tie or ankyloglossia. She has provided breastfeeding education for medical colleagues as well as allied health care professionals both in New Zealand and overseas. Dr LeFort has been involved with ASTLiT since its beginnings in 2014 and is enthusiastic about the sharing of international research that this Symposium will offer. |
Maha Al MusaFounder, EmbodyBirthTM, Brisbane, Australia
Maha Al Musa is a leading light in the birth world as a mother of three beautiful children, a doula, author, spiritual birth visionary, independent birth educator and birth activist. She has been in the natural childbirth arena since 1997. She offers this inspiring somatic Teacher Training worldwide that at its core places mothers and babies at centre as the experts for birth. Maha was also the 2011 winner of the One World National Birth Hero Award and has been a birth consultant for both pregnant women and birth professionals.
In her worldwide breastfeeding advocacy from 2012-2016 Maha has graced the cover of two Australian magazines Woman's Day November 2012 and Take 5 Magazine January 2014 as well as appearing on Sunrise TV Australia, A Current Affair, Mornings Show Australia. She has been interviewed by many online and published magazines as well as appearing in three documentaries in 2015, including Discovery Channel, RTL German TV and Inside Story Australia. She is the author of the award winning world first book "Dance Of The Womb", endorsed by Dr Michel Odent, Sheila Kitzinger and Dr Sarah Buckley. |
Catherine Genna WatsonBS, IBCLC, New York, USA
Catherine Watson Genna BS, IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in private practice in New York City. Certified in 1992, Catherine is particularly interested in helping moms and babies breastfeed when they have medical challenges. She speaks to healthcare professionals around the world on assisting breastfeeding babies with anatomical, genetic or neurological problems. Her presentations and her writing feature her clinical photographs, which have also been published widely. Catherine's research collaboration with Columbia University and Tel Aviv University's departments of biomedical engineering are studying various aspects of infant sucking, swallowing and nipple biomechanics. She is the author of Selecting and Using Breastfeeding Tools: Improving Care and Outcomes (Praeclarus Press 2009) and Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants (Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2017, 3rd edition Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2013) as well as professional journal articles. Catherine is still an active La Leche League Leader and runs a monthly toddler meeting in Queens as well as an online group. Catherine currently serves as Associate Editor for the United States Lactation Consultant Association journal Clinical Lactation. Her own two offspring (who were of course breastfed!) are a seminarian and a registered nurse.
Jennifer WelchIBCLC, Montreal, Canada
Jennifer Welch, IBCLC has been helping breastfeeding families for over 10 years, initially as La Leche League Canada Leader beginning in 2006 and then as an IBCLC since 2010. In addition to her active private practice serving Greater Montreal, she offers education and training to parents, volunteers, and health care professionals, as well as mentoring services to aspiring IBCLCs. Since the beginnings of her practice, Jennifer has been deeply involved in the tongue-tie field. She has remained active as a volunteer in various organizations including La Leche League Canada, ICAP, The International Association of Tongue-Tie Professionals, and The Quebec Lactation Consultant Association.
Monica HoganMidwife, IBCLC, Canberra, Australia
Monica Hogan is currently registered as a Nurse, Midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She has also been an inaugural board member of LCANZ and was a former board member of ASTLiT. Having worked in a variety of settings and models of care in both Australia and the UK, Monica brings her passion for education and interest in tongue-tie to assist in helping families achieve their breastfeeding goals.
Hannah DahlenProfessor of Midwifery, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
Hannah Dahlen is a Professor of Midwifery and Higher Degree Research Director in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the Western Sydney University. Hannah has had national and international success with grants (three NHMRC, one ARC, two COST). Hannah has published more than 100 papers and has given papers at over 100 conferences and seminars with half of these being invited keynote addresses. Hannah is one of the top ranking Western Sydney authors for The Conversation. Hannah has been cited in the media over 1000 times and has been a part of three documentary films. Hannah has strong international collaborations. She is co-founder of the international research collaboration EPIIC (Epigenetic Impact of Childbirth).
Area of expertise includes: midwifery, normal birth, birth interventions, media, water birth, perineal trauma, incontinence, epigenetics, oral health, health policy, acupuncture, homebirth, birth centres, fear, risk, birth trauma, human rights in childbirth, models of care, vaginal examination, ,maternal death, maternal complications, perinatal outcomes, young parents, obesity, CALD women’s outcomes, birth positions, birth experiences, |
Dr. Rajeev AgarwalMD, Pediatrician, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Dr. Agarwal worked on the Eastern Shore of Virginia for eight years in general pediatrics before moving to the Valley of the Sun to establish Agave Pediatrics in 2005. Dr. Agarwal underwent medical schooling at India’s premier institute of medical sciences, AIIMS, in New Delhi. He completed his residency in Pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. To further his learning in subspecialty medicine, he joined the fellowship program in Pediatric Nephrology at the University of Florida at Gainesville. Under the program, he also conducted bench research at Ohio State University.
Dr. Marjan JonesBDSc (Hons) UQ, BSc Melb, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Marjan Jones, a dental surgeon in Brisbane Australia pioneered a multi-disciplinary approach to the treatment of oral restrictions in Australia. With over 20 years’ experience with dental lasers and ever-evolving knowledge of the comprehensive treatment of oral restrictions, her practice treats patients of all ages, offering a team-based approach to surgery incorporating lactation consultancy, myofunctional therapy and orthodontics in-house. Her practice is now expanding to include dedicated lactation services, speech therapy, and nutritional support to assist with the establishment of optimum oral function across the
lifespan. In response to requests to teach her approach to treatment of oral restrictions, she co-founded the Tongue Tie Institute designed to advance the education of health professionals in the treatment of oral restrictions. This institute has enabled practitioners from Australia and around the world who have been introduced to a team approach to the management of oral restrictions. She has personal experience with the effect of tongue ties and their effect on herself, her children (including breastfeeding challenges) and husband and is determined to help others avoid or overcome their impact. She is a Fellow of the World Clinical Laser Institute, a member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and currently serves as Chairperson of the Interim Board of the International Consortium of Ankylofrenula Professionals. |
Dr. Lawrence KotlowDr. Lawrence Kotlow is a 1972 graduate of SUNY Buffalo Dental School, and completed his pediatric dental residency at the Children's Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio between 1972-1974. Since 1974 he has had a private practice in Albany, New York. He became Board Certified in Pediatric dentistry in 1980, and is a Fellow in the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. He is a member of the ADA, ICD, New York State Dental Association, as well as a member since 2000 of the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD).
As a member of the ALD, Dr. Kotlow served on the Board of Directors, achieved Advanced Proficiency in Erbium lasers as well as Standard Proficiency in the use of diodes CO2 @9300nm and ND: YAG lasers and ALD Mastership status. He was the 2014 recipient of the Leon Goldman award for excellence from the ALD. He has lectured at almost every meeting of the Academy, speaking on topics from How to Prepare PowerPoint and & Keynote Presentations, to a wide range of clinical applications using lasers on infants and children, and establishing the ALD one-day pediatric program at the ALD annual session. He is an internationally known expert on aiding mothers achieving a comfortable and effective latch during breastfeeding due to tongue and lip ties and has lectured to over 4000 health care professionals on the diagnosis, laser treatment and post surgical care of these infants. In addition to speaking at Academy meetings, he has lectured on lasers, and pediatric dentistry throughout the United States and Internationally in Israel, Canada, Taiwan, France, England, Australia and Italy He has contributed to textbook chapters on the use and benefits soft tissue lasers, hard tissue lasers and Photobiomodulating lasers in Pediatric Dentistry in Dental Clinics of North America 2004, The Atlas of Laser Dentistry and in Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry. He has had articles published on laser dentistry in the Academy of Laser Dentistry Journal, European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry, Journal of Human Lactation, Journal of Clinical Lactation, Journal of Orthodontics, Journal of General Dentistry, Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, and many others. He has published two books SOS4TOTs,of which over 4000 have been distributed and an Atlas of Breastfeeding. In addition to speaking at ALD, he has spoken at the Star of the South in Houston, The Greater New York Dental Meeting, The Yankee Dental meeting, The Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the International Pediatric Dentistry Association meeting and several International and United States La Lache league Conferences. He has been involved in the development and introduction of the new Isotopic Carbon Dioxide laser operating @ 9300nm known a Solea developed and manufactured by Convergent Dental, a United States company. |
Dr. Scott SiegelMD, DDS, FACS, FICS, FAAP, New York, USA
Scott Siegel is a board certified, dual degree MD, DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Dr. Siegel is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, International College of Surgeons, And American Academy of Pediatrics and active member of numerous medical and dental professional organizations.
Based in New York City, Dr. Siegel is recognized as a pioneering laser TOTs surgeon. During his surgical residency and in private practice Dr. Siegel was mentored by world renowned pediatric surgeon and tongue-tie pioneer Elizabeth "Betty" Coryllos, MD, FACS, FRCS, FAAP. Dr. Siegel has been treating TOTs patients for the past 18 years ranging from infants to adults. Dr. Siegel lectures internationally and conducts clinical research and publishes in various areas related to TOTs including aerodigestive disorders related to TOTs such as Aerophagia Induced Reflux (AIR). Dr. Siegel is currently working as a clinical investigator working in collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University and Tel Aviv University in understanding the kinematics of tongue movement in infants, children and adults with ankyloglossia. |
Dr. Suchetan PradhanBDS, MDS, MSc Laser Dentistry, Mumbai, India
Having completed his MDS in Prosthodontics from Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai in 1986, Dr. Suchetan Pradhan also has an MSc in Laser Dentistry from Aachen University, Germany. He is the first Indian to receive the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications (EMDOLA) from the European Union, in 2009. He has been invited to lecture extensively and has conducted several workshops in over 25 countries, including at the very prestigious Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Dr. Pradhan is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Laser Dentistry and a Board Member of Laser Education International, USA. Dr. Pradhan is also the Director of Pradhan Dental Centers as well as the Implant & Laser Dentistry Fellowship Program conducted by D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai. He has published several papers and has authored a chapter on Lasers in Implant Dentistry for a textbook titled ‘Lasers in Dentistry: Current Concepts’. His area of research focuses on the use of lasers in implant dentistry & aesthetic dentistry. |
23 Crew Members from around the Globe
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- This film "Untying Breastfeeding" may be screened in a classroom, training / workshop setting, clinics, private groups of employees, clients or professionals with an audience size of up to 100 people.
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- The screening must be non-profit and non-commercial. The film must be FREE for admission. Any arrangement of advertising or commercial sponsorships in connection with covering the cost of screening must abide the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes Code. Any fund raising towards the film's cause would require prior permission from the producer.
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- This film "Untying Breastfeeding" may be screened in a classroom, training/workshop setting, clinics, conferences, seminars to a public group of parents, clients, employees, community group or professionals with an audience size larger than 100 people.
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