“Untying Breastfeeding” is a 59 minute documentary investigating the narrative of the women who navigate through significant breastfeeding challenges due to the congenital birth anomaly called Tongue Tie and trace the arduous process of them encountering medical professionals who often have a dismissive, denigrative or prescriptive approach. The narrative is juxtaposed with 16 experts from across the world who share the latest understanding/research about various factors about the apathetic factors & events that sabotage birth & breastfeeding. These factors & events potentially have life-long implications for the health of humankind
About the Filmmaker
Effath Yasmin is India's leading IBCLC & a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist from Mumbai, India. Her special interests lie in Infant Oral and Sucking Dysfunction, Tongue Tie Assessment, Treatment & Rehabilitation. Being the visionary, Yasmin also spear-headed many projects to educate, protect, promote and support & restore Breastfeeding & other craniofacial development across life span. Her work has been published in the International Journal & textbook and currently she is pursing self-funded research assignments on the subject of tongue tie. She continues to work on her seminal work on link between tongue ties and depression. She has currently set up India’s First Lactation & Family Wellness Clinic with full day observation facilities in Mumbai.